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    Note to Bowling Centers - Set Your Own Reopen Date! - An Editorial

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    I'm going to try and make this short and sweet being as this is the Attention Deficit Age and no one likes reading articles more than a few paragraphs regardless.

    I know many of the Bowling Center Proprietors are concerned with losing liquor licenses and being forced to close - I get it.  No one wants to reopen only to be forced out of business.  However, based on the recent news that Van Nest Lanes has closed coupled with the fact that Bowlerland and Gun Post Lanes are on the brink of closure, and with no reopening date set at all, the issue becomes, are you going to go out of business regardless?  I think it's common knowledge throughout New York State that if centers do not open up in time for the upcoming winter league season, many centers will be forced to close permanently.

    The fact is, Governor Andrew Cuomo is IGNORING us!  And based on a recent post by NYS Assemblyman Joe DeStefano's Chief of Staff Penny Hines, it seems that Cuomo's staff are "still looking at the industry" to see if we're safe enough to open.  We've had COUNTLESS Assemblymen and women along with Senators initiate press conferences lobbying to reopen.  And you know what?  It's NOT WORKING!  We're being given absolutely NO information.

    Another article was posted today regarding Regal Movie Theaters setting a reopening date on their own of August 21st with certain social distancing guidelines in place and clearly displayed.  Basically they said, if Cuomo isn't going to give us any info, we're gonna do it ourselves!

    So my question is . . . if they can do it, why can't you???


    My opinion is simple - SET A DATE!  Be forthcoming.  Be clear.  Every single bowling center in New York State should join a makeshift coalition if you will and set a universal reopening date.  And all centers should abide by it.  If you all decide to do this, what's the worst that happens?  Yes, if one rebellious center decides to open, they run the risk of being shut down or having their liquor license pulled.  But if every single center opens, there's literally no chance whatsoever that you're all going to get shut!  

    So my opinion is to set a date.  Do what Regal did and make your guidelines clear.  Explain your reopening procedures.  And then reopen!  Here's the worst case scenarios IF you all adhere to it:

    • The Governor says no.  At least you get his attention that you're waiting as opposed to being ignored!
    • Someone finds out and rats you out.  You explain all bowling centers are reopened as per a set date.  They give you a warning.  Again, you close down, BUT you got their attention!

    If you make it clear, if you set a date and set guidelines and everyone adheres to those guidelines, there is basically no shot in hell that he's going to shut down every single bowling center in NYS.  

    But hey . . . this is just my opinion.  My livelihood isn't the one at stake.  Then again, if you don't reopen, your livelihood will be at stake regardless, no?

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